St Clements Surgery Surgery is a training practice that provides teaching and mentoring, that are an integral part of our culture and identity.
All the GPs at St Clements Surgery enjoy training and our trainees benefit from the wealth of experience and diverse interests of our team. All of our GPs and our practice nurse are involved with mentoring medical students.
We are located in the East of Central Oxford in a vibrant multicultural community. We are unique among Oxfordshire training practices in terms of the social, cultural and ethnic diversity of our patients.
Our working environment is pleasant and highly rated by both our patients and staff. Our trainees have their own main consulting room. The practice also has additional clinics running from the premises for – CAB benefits advice, Councelling, Social prescribing, Antenatal midwife care and MIND. We offer a full range of services, have monthly primary health care team meetings, regular lunch time educational meetings and place a lot of emphasis of effective team working. We use clinical systems of EMIS web, Docman, Computerised dictation, Electronic prescribing, ICE, GPTeamNet.
The practice has received excellent feedback from Training practice approval visits and patient survey reports. We have good relationships with our neighbouring practices (who are also training practices) and organise a variety of joint training events.
We are pleased to welcome registrars from a wide variety of clinical backgrounds. Experience and teaching are tailored to fit the needs of the trainee. We are compliant with working time regulations and trainees attend the Oxford VTS education on Tuesdays.
We would be happy to speak with prospective trainees on the phone to provide further information or arrange an informal visit to the practice if wished. Please contact our current trainees for an alternative view.